When Do You Need Brake Pads?


Is it time to replace your brake pads? You should be able to recognize the signs that you need to have brake repair in Kelowna. As you know, brakes are vital to the functionality of your vehicle so not having reliable brakes can be dangerous.

Here are some signs that will tell you it’s time to get Brake Repair in Kelowna and replace your brake pads:

1. You hear loud squealing or squeaking noise.

Once the brake pads are close to breaking down, you can tell the way the brakes will react. The pads serve to diffuse the contact of the brake pads and they are worn out, the parts will rub against each other resulting in squealing sounds.

2. The car is vibrating a lot when you brake.

One of the common problems people have when they are in need of brake repair is vibrations. When you apply brakes, you might notice that your car is shaking or vibrating a lot. This is usually a sign that there is something wrong with the brake system.

3. The car does not respond quickly.

If you hit the brakes and the car takes a few seconds before responding, it means that there is something faulty in the brake system.

If you notice these signs, don’t delay getting brake repair in Kelowna. Make sure you go to shops suck as Kelowna Transmission & Auto Repair so you can get the appropriate treatment. Also, take extra measures in preventing brake failure by driving properly and getting regular maintenance.

To know more details about All-Wheel Drive in Kelowna please visit our website: kelownatransmission.com


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